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Leonard Pitts Jr.: The caucacity of nope


Let us apologize in advance to Barack Obama, who once wrote a book called “The Audacity of Hope.” You see, our subject today is what might be called the Caucacity of Nope.

David Trinko: An argument in defense of living here


My high school sophomore started talking about her inevitable move away from home the other day.

Holly Norton: Support our board of elections


The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy. We are a peoples’ organization that has fought since 1920 to improve our government and engage all Americans in the decisions that impact their lives. We never endorse or oppose political parties or candidates, but we are political, particularly when it comes to the rule of law, fair elections, and election security.

Michael Reagan: L.A.’s homeless problem is no joke


I just called our realtor.

Lori Borgman: Royal roots are relative


My better half has a mind for dates, numbers and details, and he enjoys family history and genealogy. There are many people who enjoy genealogy, and they have many wonderful conversations. Usually with one another.

John Grindrod: Thoughts of Sleepy Hollow come every Halloween


Each year as Halloween approaches, I think back on an October trip in 2014 that Lady Jane and I took. The trip took us to some terrific places, including north of the border to Quebec City, through much of Vermont and on into the Empire State to prove to ourselves than New York is a whole lot more than the most populous city in the United States, New York City.

Legal-Ease: Legal system’s complexity designed to eliminate unfair biases


I spent last weekend with my sister’s family in Columbus. We left for church on Sunday before the sun had risen. However, in the car, my preschool-age nephew saw a ray of light and proclaimed, “See, the sun is trying really hard to come up!”

Marie Fischer: Abortion is a minor issue


As we go into the 2022 general elections, we are being bombarded with messaging in both traditional media as well as social media proclaiming that abortion is among our most pressing issues. We are being told that if you believe in a woman’s right to choose and you believe in women’s health, then you must vote a certain way. Abortion has been a hot social and political topic for the last 20-plus years.

Christian F. Nunes: Abortion is about all of us


Those who perpetuate the perception that abortion is a standalone issue, separate from “important issues,” are endangering Americans. All Americans.