
‘All the neighbors know who she is’: How one woman built a flower farm...


SAN DIEGO — Rachel Nafis, waist-deep in corncockles, cut the blush-colored flowers growing in her neighbor’s yard as her eyes wandered to the front door.

Four generations in the US Navy: This family has seen 100 years of submarine...


NORFOLK, Va. — The grooves of the Will family’s gold-plated dolphins have tarnished. But the submarine warfare insignia, having been pinned to the chests of four generations, shines nonetheless.

On Nutrition: When and how you eat matters


Reader Barb A. writes, “Thank you for the article you wrote about how it’s not just about what you eat, but when you eat it. I am 69 and had been slowly gaining weight the last few years. I struggled. I only ate two small to average meals a day but continued to gain weight. I would eat brunch and dinner. After reading your column I started eating breakfast and “dinch,“ an early dinner/late lunch before 3. I have lost 20 pounds. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Real Life Mama: Playing a different tune at Country Concert


Last weekend, like I have for the past 12 years (except for the year that they canceled because of Covid), I went to Country Concert. We pay for it well in advance and well, because of that, I had already planned and paid for it this year before I had made the decision to stop drinking.

Ex-etiquette: Keep co-parent in the loop about new partner


Q. My ex and I broke up three years ago. I have been dating when the kids are with their father, never mentioning anyone because I’ve never been serious until now. I would like to date someone exclusively. Actually, more than exclusively. We are planning a life together. My kids are young, 8 and 9, and know him as a friend. He has been at our home for dinner quite a few times over the last six months, but my co-parent has no idea. I’m trying to get the timing right. Who do I tell first that we are a couple? The kids or their dad? What’s good ex-etiquette?

Cumberland Falls on a whim


CORBIN, Ky. — What do farmers who make their living in the fields do when it rains and being in the fields is impossible for a couple of days? Sometimes they jump in a vehicle and spend some quality time with the family. That’s exactly what happened recently when our son called on Saturday morning at 11 am and asked if we wanted to do a 48-hour getaway with his family following heavy rain in our area. We said yes, and at 2 p.m. the six of us were on the road heading south on I-75! Our destination was Cumberland Falls, Kentucky nestled in the Daniel Boone National Forest of southern Kentucky near the town of Corbin. Cumberland Falls is known as the “Niagara of the South” and offers an abundance of camping, many cabins for rent, rafting, kayaking, swimming, fishing, horseback riding, and is a hikers’ paradise. Our hope was that the heavy rains in the eastern Midwest would mean a big amount of water running on the Cumberland River, and we were not disappointed!

Jerry Zezima: Not exactly the bee’s knees


According to an old saying, which is reserved for old people like yours truly, the knees are the first things to go. That’s not true for me, because my brain went a long time ago.

These tour guides are fighting segregation in Chicago


CHICAGO — He towered over the packed bus, standing well over 6 feet, with a head full of locks and a purple shirt proudly boasting “Chicagoan” on his chest.

Eight ways to increase your home’s value


Your home is a valuable asset, and making improvements to it can boost its value even more (not to mention make it nicer to live in).

Style at Home: Discover the timeless charm of a new traditional lake house


Nestled amid the breathtaking landscapes at Lake Waukomis, our design manager Carlie’s home is a haven that brings her dream of living in a lodge in the mountains to life. While Carlie patiently awaits her future mountain retreat, she has created a space that exudes the essence of a cozy lodge, complete with vintage mountain landscapes and rustic charm. Darker fabrics, sumptuous leathers and rich woods come together harmoniously, embracing the lodge aesthetic and enveloping the space with warmth and character.