
Reminisce: Contentious creation of Auglaize County


WAPAKONETA — Auglaize County turned 100 in 1948, and birthday greetings rolled in.

‘Knock at the Cabin’ knocks off ‘Avatar’ at the box office


NEW YORK (AP) — For the first time in almost two months, the box office doesn’t belong to blue people.

Lima Public Library Book Reviews



Real Life Mama: No way, snow days


Is there anything better as a child than a school cancellation? You should have heard the screams and excitement on Monday morning this past week when the text came through that school was closed. They were ecstatic! And that does not even compare to the joy these kids proclaimed when we got the text on Tuesday night that they were already cancelled for Wednesday.

Living with Children: Parent-child collaboration is a time bomb


“What went wrong, John?” asked a fellow boomer who, like many folks my age, are dismayed at what has happened within the American family over our lifetimes. Specifically, we have seen the end of mere childrearing and the consequences to all concerned of this new and harmful thing called “parenting.”

Runners’ fuel: What to eat when training for a race


To do your best in an endurance event, such as a marathon, you have to put in the work with ever-longer training runs to build a mileage base.

Mrs. Classic Universe Jennifer Lynn Robinson is a 40-plus beauty queen


Jennifer Lynn Robinson’s road to Mrs. Classic Universe, an international pageant that crowns women over 40 beauty queens, started 14 years ago when she was hit by a truck.

Ex-etiquette: Be wary of Valentine’s Day-inspired red flags


Q. Ironically, my divorce was final last Valentine’s Day. Over the last year my ex and I have both done some soul searching. We broke up because he cheated — but he has apologized many times and I’m thinking about trying it again. I think this Valentine’s Day would be a great day to start over. I’d like to suggest it, but I don’t know how he feels. What’s good ex-etiquette?

5 Midwest cities steeped in Black history to visit in 2023


CHICAGO — The Chicago area is undeniably teeming with the stories and contributions of historic African Americans, from the legacy of the Bronzeville neighborhood, to the DuSable Black History Museum and the Pullman National Monument.