Ottawa village administrator to retire

OTTAWA — After more than 30 years working for the village of Ottawa as a police officer, police chief and later as village administrator, Richard Knowlton will retire from his position at the end of June, according to Ottawa Mayor Dean Meyer.

Knowlton’s retirement was part of the agenda for Monday’s Ottawa village council meeting. While there is not a successor yet in place for Knowlton’s position as village administrator, Knowlton has more than earned the chance to enjoy his retirement, Meyer said.

“Rich has been with us a long time, almost 33 years, most of that as police chief,” he said. “When Jack Williams, who was our municipal director, passed away unexpectedly two or three years ago, Rich filled in for him. He’s worked there for an awful long time, and he’s earned the right to retire.”

Knowlton first worked as administrator on an interim basis, but even when he took on that job full-time, it was with the understanding that it would not be a long-term arrangement, Meyer said. Now, with Knowlton’s retirement coming up, village officials will work to determine how to find the best person to succeed Knowlton as administrator.

“We’re in discussion with council to see where we’re going to go from here,” Meyer said. “We can run (without an administrator) short-term. Maybe there’s someone internally who wants to step up. Who knows?”

Knowlton was out of the office Monday and not available for comment.