Spring & Main building unveiled to Lima community

LIMA — It has been a long process, but on Saturday, it was finally time to show off the results of a project that aims to benefit downtown Lima and the greater Lima community for years to come.

Over a hundred people — including many local officials — gathered for a Saturday ribbon-cutting celebration at Spring & Main.

The local officials who spoke at the ceremony commended the number of people involved in making the redesign of the building come to fruition, but mainly Good Food Restaurants Owner John Heaphy.

“It takes a real community to make this happen, but nonetheless, it does take somebody with some vision and a commitment to see that vision through, and a real passion for the project, and I don’t know if there’s anybody that is more passionate about his hometown, about Lima, Ohio,” Good Food Restaurants President Tony Heaphy said about his father.

Allen County Commissioner Beth Seibert said John is “fostering that love and that passion within all of us. He loves the county so much that he actively engages, he challenges, he mentors, he inspires, and all of us are driven toward a larger community vision for vibrancy and success.”

John Heaphy said he’s had the idea for a building with multiple concepts for about 20 years.

“It’s hard to explain when something you’ve dreamed about for so long all of a sudden is staring you in the face. I had a lot of thoughts and emotions come across last night, but probably one of the most prominent ones was gratitude,” he said.

Heaphy also highlighted the history of Lima and its ups and downs, asserting that the city is back on the upswing, both with infrastructure and in the minds of its residents.

“In the last seven, eight, nine years you’re starting to see this comeback, and it’s more than brick and mortar,” he said. “It’s changing people’s hearts; it’s changing people’s minds of what a community can be. It’s bringing our two cultures together. This town is a very diverse town. We’re going to win when we live together, when we play together, when we work together. That’s how this community’s going to get better.”

Lima Mayor Sharetta Smith echoed that sentiment in her remarks.

“This project embodies the spirit of collaboration and of unity and showcases what can be achieved when we come together as a community, working toward a shared goal,” she said. “It is a testament to our unwavering commitment to enhance the quality of life and create opportunities. It is a reminder that no matter the challenges we face, we have the strength and the determination to overcome and to emerge stronger than ever.

“Today we lay the groundwork for a brighter future, one that will be defined by economic growth, sustainable development, and again, commitment to the wellbeing of our residents,” Smith said.

Spring & Main is a $10 million investment with 130 employees and five concepts, including Casa Lu Al Italian food, Corner Pins bowling alley, Vista Taco with a rooftop bar, Nonno’s Cellar evening restaurant and Rudolph’s Foods office space. It will officially open to the public June 24.

Reach Charlotte Caldwell at 567-242-0451.