Lima business owner writes book to inspire others

LIMA — The theme of faith, hope and love is echoed in the story of a local business owner. Lisa Kroehler launched a new book to share her life and inspire others to persevere.

“It is titled ‘Never Say Never: A TV Producer and Pig Farmer’s Love Story of Faith, Resilience and Business Success,’” Kroehler said. “In the 1980s, I was a TV producer here in Lima. I went on a cruise, and I met a pig farmer from Minnesota. I gave up this life and moved to the pig farm.”

Kroehler said her now-husband, Keith, was $1 million in debt. The couple eventually lost their business and moved back to Lima in 1992.

“He told me he was going to become a window cleaner,” Kroehler said. “He started cleaning windows. It took us a while to get this thing going. I was in media at the time. I left media and started working with him. We are now in our 32nd year in business. We cover a 75-mile radius of Lima.”

Kroehler said she wrote the book to leave a legacy for her children. She also said the book details overcoming life’s obstacles.

“For Keith and I, our faith in God is paramount to our lives, having overcome all the things that we have been up against,” Kroehler said. “We went from a million dollars in debt to having a successful company. My son is in the company and is the chief operations officer. It continues to grow and expand. Our faith was the thread that bound us together. We have been married for 38 years and in business for 32 years and working together.”

Lisa and Keith own the Elida-based IDW Window and Roof Cleaning company. The book had its official launch on Tuesday, May 21. The book can be purchased on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

“I will doing some book signings in the area,” Kroehler said. “Everyone should read this. It will all inspire others to know you can move ahead and start over in life. We started over with $500 and a crappy car. You can do it if you work hard. I think that’s something that we need to hear in our world today. Keep pushing ahead and trust in someone great, a lot bigger than you.”

Reach Precious Grundy at 567-242-0351.