Elida council discusses cannabis

ELIDA —The Elida Council of the Whole met Tuesday night to discuss the village’s plan for possible cannabis-based business in the community.

The council was mostly in agreement that the village should find some way to prohibit business, but more research and discussion were needed to come to decisions on allowing growth.

“I believe that council sent a message tonight that we’re not interested in the sale of marijuana inside the village for recreational use,” Elida Mayor Darryl Nichols said. “We’re still in the beginning stages of trying to get this taken care of. If you listened to our solicitor, hopefully he’ll have some good information on that at the next council meeting.”

Solicitor Barry Schroeder said it could be possible to prohibit sales based on the same precedents set by dry county laws, but he would have to find more information to confirm that a growhouse and advertising could be restricted.

“We’re open to ideas,” Nichols said. “We’re open to public input if they know what to do, and we want to make sure council is open to discussion. Hopefully we can come up with a viable solution.”

Reach Jacob Espinosa at 567-242-0399.