Lima council changes police hiring practices

LIMA — Lima City Council met Monday night to discuss several important matters, including one that will impact the hiring practices for city law enforcement.

Council passed eight ordinances in total, but Mayor Sharetta Smith made note of one authorizing her office and the local Fraternal Order of Police to amend the collective bargaining agreement to allow for later hires.

“It will allow for the Lima Police Department to hire officers that have previous experience in other departments and come in at that level,” she said. “If they have a year of experience in another department, they can come in with a year of experience here. It allows us to be more competitive and it’s another step in protecting our community by making investments in safety services and making life more attractive who may be looking to be a police officer in the community.”

Smith said that the move is something other communities in Ohio and across the country have done, but that it is the first time the city has implemented it.

Other ordinances passed in the meeting authorized the mayor to enter into an agreement with Downtown Lima, Inc., to apply for a Safe Routes to School project, to enter into a contract with the Allen County Commissioners, to enter into a contract with the Allen Soil and Water Conservation District, to advertise for bids to replace waterline, to amend a contract for upgrades to the Water Treatment Plant SCADA and enter into a contract for the utilities department.

Council also amended a section of the city code concerning texting while driving.

The Council of the Whole met last week to recommend Thomas Jones as the new Fifth Ward councilor but went to executive session to formally approve of his hiring, with an announcement expected at the next council meeting, which is scheduled for Feb. 26.

Reach Jacob Espinosa at 567-242-0399.