Lima Finance Committee meets for first budget meeting

LIMA — The city of Lima held its first budget meeting of the year Tuesday night.

Departments including the mayor’s office, municipal court, clerk of courts, law director, small business workforce and development, communications and IT services shared their expenses from 2023 and what they expect to need for their budgets in 2024 with the city’s finance committee.

The mayor’s office had an actual budget of $458,296 and requested a budget of $456,967 for this year.

The municipal court had an actual budget of $2,525,444 and requested a budget of $2,649,221 for 2024.

The clerk of court had an actual budget of $1,699,892 and requested a budget for 2024 of $1,896,426.

Law director Tony Geiger reported an actual budget of $1,385,453 and requested a budget of $1,823,475 for this year.

The small business workforce development department reported an actual budget of $106,914 and requested a budget of $166,247 for this year.

The communications department reported an actual budget of $143,927 and requested a budget of $148,183 for 2024.

The IT services department had an actual budget of $786,718 and requested a budget of $1,275,382.

Director of finance for the city Meri Foster said that she thought it was important for the public to know that the departments are sharing this information.

“They’re addressing their accomplishments and goals before they can even be asked the questions,” she said. “I think that the public can benefit by hearing that and knowing that each department is doing due diligence to make sure their budgets are accurate.”

There will be two more meetings at City Council Chambers at 6 p.m. Thursday’s meeting will be a public hearing.

Reach Jacob Espinosa at 567-242-0399.