Real Wheels: Best of Real Wheels in 2023

Almost everyone who owns a classic car has a story to tell about how they came across the vehicle or why it is special to them. Sharing these stories with our readers each Saturday is what the Real Wheals feature is all about. It provides an avenue for people to let others know why their car or truck is special. Today, we look back at 2023 and share our favorites.



The Lima News publishes photographs of vintage cars, 20 years or older, free of charge in Real Wheels. It is easy to get your car featured:

Mail: Real Wheels, Newsroom, The Lima News; 205 W. Market St., Suite #100A; Lima, OH 45801.

Email: [email protected]

Include: Photograph of your car; year of car, make and model; how many years you have owned the vehicle; car’s history; best memory of car; your name, address and telephone number (the phone number will not be published).

If you have further questions, contact The Lima News newsroom at 419-222-6397 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays.


Check out cars we’ve featured and discuss your memories on the Real Wheels page at