Real Life Mama: Never too old to celebrate

As I have gotten older, I have always heard how birthdays mean less and less. It is just another day, another year. It just means you are getting even older. It is not as important once you have kids.

Look, there was a point in my life where my birthday was not just a day, it was a season! But, in the last ten years or so, I will be honest, I fell into the trap of believing that my birthday didn’t need to be anything special anymore. I mean, I was no longer a child and, almost felt selfish for thinking I deserved a day all about me.

But guys, I am here to tell you that I have had another change of heart – right back to where I was as a kid. Now more than ever, especially as a mother, I not only want a day all about me, I need one! Literally every single other day of the year is about everyone else. It is not only freeing, but it feels so good to just be loved and celebrated one day a year.

And one thing I have learned in the past couple of years is that it is not selfish to want to be spoiled from time to time. It does not make you vain or self-centered to desire to be loved, it makes you human! We all want these pockets of time where we feel worthy, celebrated and enjoyed. We all want to be noticed, acknowledged and reminded that we matter.

Or maybe it is just me, and that’s ok too. Regardless, I have to say, this year, I allowed myself to enjoy my birthday more than I have in many years!

To kick off the morning, my crew threw balloons into my bedroom while carrying a handmade “Happy Birthday” sign and singing along as they woke me up. All of my babies signed my poster, and my bonus girl made me a special picture frame of the two of us. Lee knocked it out of the park with a new coffee pot and grinder that I had my eye on so I could enjoy some freshly ground hazel nut coffee daily. Just opening my eyes, with all of my favorite people thinking of me started my day off magically.

And you guys, the coffee! There is something amazing about the smell of fresh ground beans and the rich taste of deliciousness! Sipping on that while reading my morning devotional made me feel all warm and bubbly inside.

From the school bus, one of my sweet neighborhood girls — another bonus kiddo — recorded and sent me a whispered (since they were on the bus) rendition of “Happy Birthday” that a handful of kids sang. It was seriously the sweetest.

For my commute to work that day, I started listening to a fresh new book, my present to myself. When the dedication page alone brought me all the feels – from joy, guilt, freedom and relief, I just knew it was going to be an instant favorite.

At work, my parents dropped off cookies to share with my coworkers who all wished me well. And my phone went off all day between texts, calls and social media messages – I soaked in all the love.

Later that evening, after they had collaborated with Lee all day, some of the best friends a girl could ask for showed up in my driveway with a wagon full of specific-to-Sarah gifts. Honestly, just their presence would have been more than enough – knowing that they took the time away from their family during a busy week to show up just to celebrate me made me feel so loved.

But on top of that, some of my favorite people brought me some of my favorite things – coffee, mugs, pens and pencils for writing, bookmarks for all the book adventures I am in the middle of, and even my favorite sparkling water! Not to mention a hand painted sign that reads “Coffee gets me started, Jesus keeps me going.”

There’s a feeling of being fully known by these ladies – all the little parts that make up me – and yet, not in spite of, but because of those little parts that they know about me, they love me. I can’t explain the amount of joy and gratefulness that these girls brought me that evening (and continually bring me with their friendship!)

Maybe this is just 38 and I am a super sentimental, sappy, old lady now who loves coffee, Jesus, books, friendship and family. Or maybe, birthdays really are important – even more so as we age – so we get a day to feel all the love.

Regardless, one thing is for sure, every single moment of that day – all of the people, moments, gifts, love, singing and messages – confirmed to me that birthdays really do get better with age.

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her daughters and writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.