Real Life Mama: Friends when you need one

This time two years ago, I was in a pretty rough place. Covid was still running wild, and my marriage was unraveling to what I knew would be an end in the near future. I was scared, lonely and felt completely misunderstood.

And then, out of nowhere and with no warning, God sent me an angel in the form of a childhood friend whom I had not seen or hung out with in years. Jessie showed up and moved into our neighborhood with her two kids. As children ourselves, we had hung out, but we hadn’t talked in years. And yet, as soon as she showed up, it was like this warm, embracing hug of friendship and acceptance immediately crept in.

Here was this strong lady who picked herself and her babies up and moved back to her hometown to do what was best for them. Truly, her courage was inspiring, her laughter contagious, her ability to listen and relate was so comforting, and her lack of judgment and unforced love was calming.

In a time of my life when I was undoubtedly at my lowest, she showed up and walked with me hand in hand into the unknown future. Many nights, I cried in her arms. She just held me and reminded me of my worth. When I felt like I was failing my children, she pointed out all the positives of the future. Going through a divorce is hard and icky – it leaves you feeling undeserving and like a failure – but she always pulled me up from that. She made me feel loved and normal.

Quickly, she became a constant in my life. Not only that, but she brought with her two amazing kids – one in particular who settled in smoothly with my girls and became a constant here as well – Harper girl. You guys, this little girl stole my heart.

Like her Mama, she was bubbly and full of energy. Her personality just poured out. Almost overnight, she and Reagan were inseparable. So many adventures over these last two years involve this sweet girl by our sides – laughing, singing, jamming out in the car, dancing, performing – and you cannot forget the hugs!

Through the divorce, my girls felt like I did – alone, like they were the only kids experiencing their parents not being together. But Harper, with her infectious positivity and ability to understand and relate to my girls with her comfort and love (like her mama) helped my girls to feel normal as well. She knew what they were going through. She made sure they knew that, just like her, they would be alright.

And Jessie loved on my babies as well – like an extension of her family. Together, we just poured into all of them – helping with carpools, dinner, evening chats, sports, love and, of course, hugs. Her kids were mine and mine were hers.

For the past two years, these angels have been exactly what we needed – they walked into our lives at, unbeknownst to any of us, the spot-on God moment that we needed them. They brought the light and love and laughs. They brought the hugs and help and friendship that we so desperately needed.

But maybe more important than that – they restored us. They walked us through some of our darkest days and carried us into a present and future that turned the corner into happiness and opportunity.

This week, however, THEY were presented with a new opportunity – a bigger place and options for THEIR future… just, not in our neighborhood. And guys, while I am so happy for them, Reagan and I, we are not ok.

So many tears have been shed as boxes were packed and they moved away – mind you, within miles, but not three houses down. While I always knew this was not their forever location, I still didn’t want to think about this time when they would no longer be accessible constantly.

We will remain close – they aren’t getting rid of us that easily – but it will be different. While it hurts to lose the comfort and everyday love that they brought us, I know that it is time for them to go out and pass that on to new neighbors. I know they will – because that is what they do.

I wish them nothing but the best and will miss them immensely. But I will never forget these last two years, the bonds we have built and the light they brought. And I will never stop thanking God for placing them in our lives at exactly the right time that we needed them.

Thanks for the strength and the love. Now go continue spreading it into this world, as I know you guys will. We love you Jessie, Avan and Harper. And always will.

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her daughters and writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.