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Tag: Grindrod

John Grindrod: The Big Chill, on lost hope and lost friends

Certainly streaming options have increased our television viewing enjoyment in recent times, especially for those movies which came out so very long ago, back...

John Grindrod: SI, a look back to the beginning

Ann Crider should be happy to know I’ve been having quite a bit of fun going through the old issues of Sports Illustrated from...

John Grindrod: Thanks to Ann Crider, my love of history deepens

Certainly I appreciate the opportunities my hometown paper has afforded me over the last couple decades to write for you, and I’ve always welcomed...

John Grindrod: Some outside and inside thoughts during The Great Quarantine

During this, what historians may very well one day call The Great Quarantine, I’ve had plenty of time to think, as many of you...

John Grindrod: Beware the April Fool’s joke and its slippery slope

This is the day to beware of those that may attempt to use you for their own amusement as well the amusement of others....

John Grindrod: For spring breakers, corona means more limes needed

As most my age, I grew up in a home where watching the evening news was as natural as the whole family gathering around...

John Grindrod: COVID-19, the pebble thrown into the water

If you’re of a certain age, you remember a youthful time when you played without the use of an iPad or cell phone, often...

John Grindrod: Cell phones in the classroom, yikes!

When I retired from teaching in the spring of 2005, I thought I was pretty much done with being in schools. However, over the...

John Grindrod: Here’s to the labor and volunteer warriors who surmount limitations

As I was doing some work-related paperwork in a McDonald’s in Defiance, I saw him first out of the corner of my eye. He...

John Grindrod: What’s been said after those final hours

Of course, since our lives evolve in phases, for most of us, there are circumstances that aren’t a part of our youth that play...