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Leonard Pitts Jr.: It was exactly what it looked like


It might not have been what it looked like.

David Trinko: Heroes take their kids to Disney


I don’t care what Walt Disney World says. At least my kid thinks I’m a hero.

Flowers: Three pillars of progressive philosophy


In the smoldering wake of what can only be called a Republican debacle, many pundits much better schooled in politics and history weighed in with their opinions on what happened.

Lori Borgman: Money flies when you shop budget


I recently snagged a cheap flight on an airline known for being “economical.” I told one of the kids the airline I was flying and she exploded. Just like a volcano-molten lava flowed out of both her ears.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Finding peace through gratitude


And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. — Colossians 3:15

John Grindrod: The eve of destruction … the dawn of correction?


The contemporary music world and I parted ways quite some time ago. I suppose that’s true for a lot of folks who’ve been Medicare recipients for a while. We really do tend to hang on to so very much of the world as it once was. And, for me, the songs of the 1960s are the ones with which I still can sing along and maintain at least 80 percent lyrical accuracy.

Legal-Ease: Appropriate roles when caring for aging parents


We can struggle to define our roles when our parents, who have typically helped us, instead need us to help them.

Reidy: Musk must preserve Twitter’s most vital function


For all the controversy surrounding his purchase of Twitter Inc., Elon Musk has at least one thing right: Twitter really is “like open-sourcing the news.”

Mark Figley: Ballots in the wind


Among the many close races included in the 2022 mid-term elections, incumbent Nevada Democrat Senator Catherine Cortez Masto defeated Republican Adam Laxalt by less than 10,000 votes (or slightly under 1 percent).

Bloomberg: Why is it so hard to build in America? Blame red tape


President Joe Biden says the Inflation Reduction Act, which contains some $370 billion in climate spending, represents the most sweeping government investment in clean energy “ever, ever, ever.” To ensure that investment is worthwhile, he’ll need an equally unprecedented overhaul of federal rules and regulations. Congress should make such reforms a top priority.