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Jerry Zezima: Rave restaurant review


I seldom write restaurant reviews for the sound journalistic reason that I seldom go to restaurants. That’s because I took a vow of poverty when I went into journalism and can’t afford to eat out too often.

Holy Cow! History: The stranger afterlife of Elmer McCurdy


Sometimes bizarre things happen to bizarre people.

Mark Figley: Disney is a polar opposite of what it once was


One of the biggest surprise movie hits of the summer was “Sound of Freedom,” starring Jim Caviezel. The powerful, thought-provoking film tells the true life story of Tim Ballard, a former Department of Homeland Security agent who relentlessly pursued child traffickers around the world.

Lori Borgman: The other woman drives the husband batty


It’s been more than 10 years since the “other woman” came into our lives. She drives us both batty. Literally.

Legal-Ease: Neighbor trespassing processes and solutions


Neighbors can be a blessing, a curse or some of both. When neighbors do not respect property lines, those neighbors are trespassing, and trespassing can cause a lot more damage than just hard feelings.

Liz Weston: Three ways to reduce taxes on social security


Social Security benefits were once tax-free. That changed in 1983, when Congress decided to tax a portion of benefits for the highest-income recipients.

Tom Purcell: Jimmy Buffett was a super-spreader of happiness


There’s a reason the name “Jimmy Buffett” elicits immediate joy in the hearts of millions: happiness contagion.

Jerry Zezima: I shopped and didn’t drop


If it weren’t for my wife, I would have starved to death long ago. That’s because Sue not only is an excellent cook who can make even vegetables appetizing (except squash, which should be squashed), but also she does the food shopping.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: A prayer for Blacks to overcome humiliation, ask for help


National Suicide Prevention Week will be observed from Sept. 10 to 16, and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention designates September as National Suicide Prevention Month. In August, many news reports highlighted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s findings that close to 50,000 Americans died by suicide in 2022, which included an alarming increase of senior citizens.

John Grindrod: Among all paradoxes, one truly stands out


As I’ve told you before, if you’ve been with me for a while, my teaching days are still with me despite the fact that this fall marks the 19th school year that commenced without my standing in front of students. As I wrestled with the decision back in the spring of 2005 as to whether to bring to a close that chapter of my working life, it was a couple of my friends who intimated that it was probably the right move if the thought didn’t dissipate after, perhaps, a bad day or two.