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Legal-Ease: Locating lost, misplaced government-issued numbers


We all like to think we are organized and will be able to find particular paperwork if and when we need it. Some of our most important paperwork a lot of people, like myself, keep in a lock box at their home. However, there could be unfortunate circumstances beyond our control that destroy our home (tornados, fires, floods, etc.) and result in lost or misplaced government-issued numbers.

David Trinko: Lima native cooks her way to world title


Bethany Boedicker has come a long way, from munching on her great-grandmother’s “bonus snack” pie dough in Lima to wowing judges at an international competition.

Cal Thomas: Taxing time to be citizen of the USA


Was it as bad for you as it was for me? Sending Washington money we earn, but Washington doesn’t, I mean?

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Gen Z looks for happiness


The 2024 World Happiness Report, which is a collaboration with Gallup, the Oxford Well-being Research Centre, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and its Editorial Board, found that young Americans under 30 are much more displeased with their lives than adults over 60.

Jerry Zezima: Rub-a-dub-dub, no men in the tub


I haven’t taken a bath since the Johnson administration (Lyndon, not Andrew) and it looks like the drought will continue because boys aren’t allowed in our newly renovated bathroom.

Holy Cow! History: Think the ’24 election is ugly? 1828 says ‘Hold my beer’


Brace yourself, America. The 2024 election, “Biden-Trump II: Grumpier Old Men” is showing all the signs of being an especially ugly election. At ages 81 and 77, respectively, this will be the last election for both, meaning they have nothing left to lose. And let’s face it, the two just don’t like each other.

Rob Brundrett: Ohio finds bipartisan success in plugging orphan wells


Oftentimes oil and gas issues fall along political lines and can lead to emotional and unproductive conversations in the public policy arena.

Lori Borgman: You make the call: Take the phone or leave it


I left home without my phone the other day. I considered turning back but decided against it.

John Grindrod: Team parades, a problematic future


With each viewing of the national evening news, we’re all constantly confronted with the fact that the world in which we live is so very dangerous. Sadly, it seems only days between stories are reported involving gun violence. Even areas where there is great jubilation are not immune, as was demonstrated in mid-February at the culmination of the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade and player speeches on a stage outside Union Station.

Michael Reagan: Republicans need to unite, not fight


I don’t blame the public for not wanting to put the Republican Party back in power in Washington.