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George Will: How should America respond to Syria’s use of chemical weapons?

WASHINGTON — On April 22, 1915, chlorine gas, wafted by favorable breezes, drifted from German lines toward enemy positions held by French troops near...

Mike DeWine: Farmers deserve a return to regulatory sanity

Sometimes, the best thing that government can do for folks is to stay out of the way. That’s especially true when it comes to...

Leonard Pitts Jr.: Have you ever seen the moon?

Have you ever seen the moon?You will likely answer that you have, many times. But a new short video by filmmakers Wylie Overstreet and...

Column: Fifty years later, King’s vision must remain Congress’ cause

Today, our nation marks the 50th anniversary of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. Last month, we joined colleagues from both sides of the...

Trudy Rubin: Deadly Russia fire reveals a lot about Putin, his people

I was on the phone this week with my Russian friend Val, trying to plan a trip to Moscow, but all she wanted to...

Jay Ambrose: Give magnificence a chance this Easter weekend

Easter is here, and yes, I know, we are more and more a secular country. It is not politically incorrect to scoff at...

Jay Ambrose: Securing trade peace with China

Getting in a trade war with China or anyone else is economically suicidal, a way to disrupt everything and anything, and here is hope...

Albert R. Hunt: Democrats are bullish on governor’s races, too

The media is focused on the Democrats’ bright prospects for winning control of the House this November. But the gains they expect to make...

Trudy Rubin: What H.R. McMaster’s exit and John Bolton’s arrival mean for the next...

If there were ever any checks on the erratic, impulsive Trump foreign policy, they nearly vanished last week.President Donald Trump’s replacement of national security...

Celia Rivenbark: Facebook plans to resort to snail mail

Facebook, that technological marvel we have all come to depend on so we don’t have to talk to one another (whew!) while at the...