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Kathleen Parker: A man who wanted to make his daughter proud

WASHINGTON — You can have your royal wedding, your princess bride, your pomp and your circumstance. For a real love story, I’m going with...

Leonard Pitts Jr.: For some, ‘faith’ has little to do with Jesus

Today, we will discuss one of the most pressing threats to American Christianity. Meaning, of course, American Christians.Yes, that’s an overly broad statement. All...

Trudy Rubin: US Embassy moved to Jerusalem, Gaza exploded. Does Trump or Bibi have...

“Jerusalem celebrates…and Gaza bleeds — a surreal 24 hours,” read the headline in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.Indeed, there was something surreal about scenes of...

George Will: Prohibition has been lifted at last on sports wagering

WASHINGTON — Repeal of Prohibition in 1933 instantly reduced crime by reducing the number of criminalized activities, including some that millions of Americans considered...

Don Stratton: Truth is really funnier than fiction

We have often heard the saying that, “Truth is stranger than fiction.”After having spent much of my life dealing with people in a law...

Commentary: What’s the president’s Iran plan?

President Donald Trump believes in the art of disruption, of deliberately creating crises to get his way. That’s how he operated in business; it’s...

Michael Reagan: Trump sets the table for Singapore deal

So Donald Trump has a date with Kim Jong Un in Singapore on June 12.Good deal — so far.As long as the president doesn’t...

Region’s small businesses on the move

The Greater Lima Region is a beautiful blending of small and large businesses. Each serves an invaluable role in stimulating our local economy and...

Commentary: Donald Trump is defined by ‘go-big’ strategy:

WASHINGTON — The way President Donald Trump sees it, why go for a solid single when you can swing for a home run?Trump’s upcoming...

Cal Thomas column: John Kerry’s criminal action

Following the 2016 election, President Obama rightly warned the Trump transition team “we only have one president at a time.” It was a reminder...