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Mark Figley: Common sense hijacked by gender police

In the increasingly enlightened time in which we live, it seems there are fewer and fewer universal truths. Just ask Lake Ingle, a male...

George Will: The accidental president who wore power lightly

WASHINGTON — Within 17 days in the autumn of 1975 — first in Sacramento, then in San Francisco — two separate handgun-wielding women attempted...

Michael Reagan: Rosanne tripped up by double standard

I’m burned out on Trump TV.I don’t need to hear any more of his speeches or read one of his tweets.I don’t want to...

Martin Schram: Belatedly, Gowdy fills the GOP’s leadership vacuum

After months of wandering, lost and leaderless, through marbled Capitol passageways that (believe-it-or-not) used to be called “corridors of power,” the aimless Republican herd...

George Will: Trump stokes the Republican populism that Taft resisted

WASHINGTON — No elaborate catechism is required to determine if someone is a conservative. A single question, as simple as it is infallible, suffices:...

Kathleen Parker: Hating Russia is like riding a bicycle

WASHINGTON — Facebook ads purchased by Russia during the 2016 campaign, and released by Congress earlier this month, reveal a clear intent to create...

Column: Women have also given the ultimate sacrifice

On this Memorial Day, like those who came before him, President Trump will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider in...

Memorial Day: Remembering the brave and valorous service of our fallen heroes

Memorial Day is our opportunity to remember the brave Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our great nation.Since the first battle...

Michael Reagan: Trump continues to get lots of positive things done

Don’t sweat North Korea.Don’t sweat the postponement of the Singapore Summit.My bet is that it’s just one of many bumps, blips and stumbles that...

Leonard Pitts Jr.: Trump supporters speak

We’re going to try something different today. Rather than pontificate yet again upon the motives of Donald Trump’s supporters, I’ll let a few of...