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David Trinko: Kids say the darndest things at first base


Whenever a baseball or softball player gets to first base, the first-base coach slides over toward the player and offers some information and guidance. The player responds with some additional thoughts.

Lori Borgman: Will the next Elon Musk please step forward?


We may have some budding entrepreneurs among us. We don’t know how. It didn’t come from our gene pool. I take that back. It may have.

John Grindrod: Different autographs divided by 60 years


Back in March, as I do each year, I flew to Fort Myers to spend a few days with my sister Joanie and brother-in-law, John. Among our sundry activities, John and I will check out either the Minnesota Twins camp or the Boston Red Sox camp, both located in the city for some spring-training fun.

Legal-Ease: Trains blocking road crossings


The United States is blessed with an abundant network of railroads that feed our economy. Nevertheless, few of us enjoy waiting on trains to pass through our road crossings so that we can proceed on to our desired destinations.

Llewellyn King: Boris Johnson — the fall of an articulate incompetent


The best piece of business advice I have ever read was, “Beware the articulate incompetent.” It is important to business decisions but far more so to political ones.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Talking about slavery with kids


The Texas State Board of Education recently rejected a proposal to redefine the term of slavery as “involuntary relocation” for second-grade students. I suppose the nine educators who pitched this idea had intentions of making a sensitive topic like slavery more palatable for elementary school students under the new, restricted state guidelines prohibiting the use of critical race theory in classroom instruction (Texas House Bill 3979).

John G. Malcolm: Originalism rules at this Supreme Court, and that’s a good thing


The three words that best describe the Supreme Court’s decisions this term are text, history and tradition. If that’s one word too many, try this: Originalism rules! And that’s a good thing.

Christian F. Nunes: What’s worse than an ‘F’ for Supreme Court?


We can’t even imagine a grade adequate for the Supreme Court this year, as the current scale stops after only five letters. If we ever wondered how to get a worse grade than “F,” the U.S. Supreme Court showed us when they overturned abortion rights.

Thomas Suddes: Roe reversal adds wrinkle to Ohio Supreme Court races


The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to give states ultimate jurisdiction over abortion could make, and likely will make, this year’s Ohio Supreme Court races even more lively than they already were destined to be. It’ll also stir up the General Assembly. That’s because a newly filed court case, backed by abortion clinics, may rank abortion front-and-center among the Ohio high court’s key issues when Ohioans elect or re-elect three state Supreme Court justices this November.

Mark Figley: ‘Birthing person’ the latest hit on our reality


Under the Biden administration, terms such as “birthing person” have become common when referring to those who bear children, instead of “woman” or “mother.” This is not surprising, coming from a president who once famously said, “We choose truth over facts.”