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Marc Jarsulic: Innovative CHIPS and Science Act will improve the lives of all Americans


The CHIPS and Science Act is an innovative and important industrial policy. It makes targeted investments in critical industries to strengthen America’s manufacturing base, protect workers, and fortify U.S. national and economic security. It will help reverse the decades-long trend of job and supply-chain offshoring and contribute to inclusive growth.

Alfredo Carrillo Obregon: CHIPS, a path toward inefficiency, waste and political dysfunction


President Biden claims the CHIPS Act will boost domestic manufacturing, lower prices and bolster U.S. national security. In reality, the bill will unlikely achieve any of these objectives. Instead, it could precipitate important distortions in domestic and international markets that lead to inefficiency, waste and political dysfunction.

Charles Thomas: Lima needs media aimed at minorities


Many years ago, I was asked to provide music for the Procter & Gamble retirement party for Warner Roach, who is currently deputy public works director for the City of Lima. During that event, many people of color from all across the country came to congratulate Mr. Roach.

Tom Purcell: Winning the lottery isn’t always a jackpot


I bought my first lottery ticket recently.

Michael Reagan: America the scary


If you weren’t fearful of government before this week, you should be scared to death by now.

David Trinko: The human toll of identity theft


When strangers ask if I’m the guy from the newspaper, I’ve always joked that no one else would want to be me.

Lori Borgman: Life is good somewhere


A good friend gives us her old newspapers from a small town in Maine. They are entertainment — a sedentary version of date night.

John Grindrod: Simple lessons, deeper meanings when navigating life’s stairways


Experience has, or at least it should have, taught us some lessons along the way. One, I’ve learned when advancing toward the next landing while going up the stairs, it’s a lot less painful to fall up the stairs than it is to fall down them. While the misstep that caused the fall is pretty much the same, the extra pain of falling backward when we fail to grasp fully the importance of decreasing hastiness and increasing caution has to do with the direction we fall. Falling up the stairs merely momentarily stops us; it doesn’t place us farther away from our next landing.

Legal-Ease: Why is my estate plan different from my neighbors?


Some of the most important and universally useful documents that attorneys prepare are wills, trusts, powers of attorney and living wills. These documents are often called estate planning documents or advance directives (as for the powers of attorney and living wills).

Reghan Winkler: Back-to-school scams


Bam! Just like that, it’s back-to-school time again. Elementary school, high school or college, it doesn’t matter; it’s a hectic time preparing for the kids’ return to the classroom.