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Mark Figley: Annual ‘State of Confusion’ delivered


On Feb. 19, 2021, newly-elected president Joe Biden announced that “America is back.” Since that time, America has indeed taken a great step back in every area that can be measured. Against this backdrop, an unusually pepped up president presented perhaps the angriest “State of Confusion” speech on record.

Michael Reagan: A miracle in California


A miracle occurred last Tuesday in California’s U.S. Senate primary race.

Holy Cow! History: Ike’s secret baseball career


March Madness may bring basketball to the forefront, kids may chase soccer balls in droves, but baseball remains our national pastime. It’s woven into our country’s fabric alongside apple pie and Fourth of July fireworks displays.

S.E. Cupp: Nikki Haley tried to save the Republican Party


Nearly 10 years ago, Donald Trump rode down a gaudy, golden escalator from his high perch atop Trump Tower down to the masses to announce his run for president. That moment would dramatically change the trajectory of the Republican Party in America — for the worse, and maybe irreparably.

John Grindrod: Living in darkness, from leaves to z’s


Well, the great shroud has finally been lifted with our shift back to daylight savings time, and to that, I will shout to the highest reaches of our celestial ceilings, “Hallelujah!”

Lori Borgman: The empty-nest coach will see you now


It is a seismic jolt when kids fly the coop. I know from experience that it’s sad. And may I say it is sadder when girls leave home than boys, because by age 18, boys have so much testosterone coursing through their bodies that it is simply time for them to go.

Robert B. Reich: The case for nauseous optimism


I chose the word nauseous over cautious because my stomach is churning at the very possibility Trump could get a second term. But I don’t believe that will happen. The progressive forces in America are overtaking the regressive.

Legal-Ease: Keeping things confidential in a public world


In a world where everything seems to be public, it is hard at times to escape from everyone being “in our personal life.”

David Trinko: Accounting for how kids use their money


The conversations in our house recently have sounded more like the discussions inside an accounting department.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Loneliness a worldwide health threat


One of the concerning health headlines toward the end of 2023 was the loneliness epidemic that is affecting millions of Americans, causing premature death in many cases. And it’s not just the U.S. that is grappling with so many adults and young people feeling alone and isolated. The World Health Organization declared loneliness a “pressing health threat” last November, and it was one of the top five health issues listed in a global roundup report by the World Economic Forum.