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Legal-Ease: Uniquely American legal rights


The last several weeks have placed a spotlight on other countries’ (including countries that we consider sophisticated) lack of various freedoms. Those missing freedoms contrast with our uniquely American legal rights that make our self-governing country extra special among our peers.

David Trinko: A ‘Wonderful’ tradition in Bluffton


BLUFFTON — Sometimes it takes a nearly 70-year-old movie to remind you about all the good in your life.

Chris Ferruso: ‘Shop small’ helps our communities


This is the season for giving thanks, so I’d like to thank Ohio’s small businesses for everything they do throughout the year to help our communities.

John Grindrod: Thanksgiving’s special gifts besides the food


While food is often front and center with each holiday of the calendar year, there really is no holiday more closely associated with food than Thanksgiving. However, unrelated to the multifarious and sumptuous dishes placed on our tables after the leaves far different than the ones we finished raking last month have been inserted in our dining tables, Thanksgiving has provided me so very much more.

Jerry Zezima: The heat is on


I never thought I was hot stuff — especially when I look in the mirror to shave, a reflection that leaves me cold — but I sure am hot stuff now.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Beauty of unexpected detours


The subject of detours has been on my mind since this year’s fall semester of school began at The Ohio State Univesity-Lima. As you all know, a major section of state Route 117 has been shut down since August.

Llewellyn King: Never have so many had reason to be thankful for so much


Opinion: Never Have So Many Had Reason to Be Thankful for So Much

J. Mark Powell: Thanksgiving quiz about Turkey Day 1923


Thanksgiving is marked by tradition. And yet the way we celebrate has changed over the past century. What’s different today from 100 years ago, Thanksgiving 1923? Find out with this short, fun quiz.

Holy Cow! History: For the Custers, Little Bighorn was a family affair


Americans were in shock in early July 1876. It wasn’t supposed to have been that way. It was the country’s centennial, after all, a time for a national party.

Michael Reagan: President Xi makes our homeless disappear


Here in sunny Los Angeles, it’s raining.