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Dr. Jessica Johnson: Teens need to ‘come to themselves’


The dangerous and deadly trend in Columbus of teenagers stealing Kias and Hyundais has unfortunately been on an upward slope since January. Many of these teens are part of a gang known as “The Real Kia Boys,” which originated in Milwaukee. Youth in other states have adopted this moniker due to the popularity of these car thefts growing on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram. On these social media platforms, there are videos with instructions on how to steal Kias and Hyundais using USB chargers.

Brooks D. Tucker: Face up to military recruitment problems


British coal miners used to carry small metal cages containing a canary into the tunnels to help detect carbon monoxide and other deadly gases before they incapacitated or killed the miners. The practice fell out of use in the 1980s, but the term “canary in a coal mine” became a euphemism for an early warning of a threat.

Elaine Mallon: Judge joins effort to revive civics education and (maybe) Democracy itself


As President Biden labels his political opponents “threats to democracy” and Republicans express doubts about the integrity of basic democratic institutions, one prominent American jurist believes he may have the solution.

Holy Cow! History: When CNN almost fell for fake news


Journalists walk a razor’s edge between speed and accuracy, and they occasionally get cut.

Steve Stivers: Invest in our young people to build the workforce of tomorrow


Another school year has begun. Between shopping for supplies and meeting new teachers, let’s take a moment to talk about Ohio’s education system and its impact on the workforce of tomorrow. Businesses across the state are struggling now more than ever to find and keep quality employees. The COVID-19 pandemic didn’t help, but it’s not the root of the problem, either.

Jerry Zezima: The carousel stakes


When it comes to horsing around, I am a champion with my granddaughters. And I recently proved it on a carousel in a photo finish with Chloe and Lilly, who accompanied me to the winner’s circle in our very own version of the Kentucky Derby.

Michael D. Farren: A free marketeer’s love of Labor Day


One hundred forty years ago, the first Labor Day parade almost ended before it began. On Sept. 5, 1882, thousands of union workers, police officers and gawking onlookers gathered at City Hall in lower Manhattan. Everything was in place, the route was set, and the marchers were ready to go, except for one problem: There was no band to lead the parade.

Mark Weisbrot: Unions have a stake in ending minority rule in the United States


In 2021, just 10.3 percent of American workers were members of unions, less than half the proportion we had four decades prior. This collapse in union membership didn’t happen in Canada; it occurred in the United States for reasons specific to this country, including unpleasant changes in labor law and the practices of corporations that have taken place here over the last 40 years.

Leonard Pitts Jr.: Good luck getting a glass of water in Jackson


There is no water in Jackson, Mississippi.

David Trinko: Putting my labor into Labor Day weekend


It’s Labor Day weekend, that last hurrah of summer here in Northwest Ohio.