
Tips to avoid impulse buying


Many of us have given in to the temptation to buy something we don’t need.

Reminisce: ‘What can I do?’ The McCoys gave their time and talents to Lima


When Malcolm McCoy, educator, activist and bringer of smiles, died August 29, 2013, his wife of 55 years told the Lima News she wouldn’t remember him through a veil of tears.

Court approves $600 million sale of Michael Jackson music to Sony


LOS ANGELES — A Los Angeles appeals court has denied an attempt by Michael Jackson’s mother to prevent the singer’s estate from selling a portion of his songs to Sony Music Group for about $600 million.

Television Q&A: Is lesser-known Spielberg movie ‘Always’ available?


You have questions. I have some answers.


Annual Jet Fly at LARKS

Banquet to honor teachers for second year


LIMA — Lima city councilman Thomas Jones said he expects this year’s Teacher’s Appreciation Banquet to be even better than last year’s inaugural event.

Lima Public Library Book Reviews



On Nutrition: More on processed meats


A recent column on processed meats generated more questions. Cheri M. from California writes: “Your article … made me wonder. Does processed meat include whole roasted chickens and turkeys and hams that we eat at Thanksgiving and Christmas? We eat a whole roasted chicken about every two weeks.”

Ex-etiquette: Brother’s ex-wife is still sister’s best friend


Q. My brother is angry with me because I am best friends with his now ex-wife, Samantha. He expects me to abandon a 12-year friendship because they broke up. I haven’t taken sides. I see both of their points of view! And, I’m not so sure they won’t get back together. So here I sit, trying to figure out what to do. I’m just not willing to walk away from my best friend and my children’s favorite aunt! My kids are only 3 and 5! What’s good ex-etiquette?