Lima woman get 3 years community control for burglary

LIMA — A Lima woman was sentenced to three years of community control for third-degree felony burglary on Wednesday.

Madison Coulter, 22, was convicted in November of entering the home of her baby’s father and his significant other and inflicting or attempting to cause physical harm to them on April 18. She was ordered to have no contact with the female victim and only see the man when he visits the baby they share.

Assistant Public Defender Steve Chamberlain said Coulter has no prior record and the situation was a result of her letting her emotions get the better of her. He said the case made her realize she has some mental health issues, which she is addressing.

Coulter was previously charged with two counts of aggravated burglary, but one charge was dismissed and the other reduced after her baby’s father’s story changed significantly, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Kyle Thines said.

Allen County Common Pleas Court Judge Terri Kohlrieser said Coulter will be subject to random drug and alcohol testing and must complete any counseling and treatment recommended by her probation officer. She must obtain or maintain employment if possible, and is ordered to pay court costs.