Hardin County wind farm to be constructed in 2017

KENTON — EverPower Wind Holdings Inc. has announced the signing of a Power Purchase Agreement with Amazon Web Services, an Amazon.com company.

Under the Power Purchase Agreement, EverPower will construct and operate a 189-megawatt wind farm in Hardin County. Called Amazon Wind Farm US Central 2, it will deliver power to the electrical grid that supplies current and future AWS Cloud data centers.

Construction on the project will begin during the first quarter of 2017, and will be completed by the end of 2017. The wind farm will employ more than 100 full- and part-time workers during the construction phase, and an additional eight to 10 full-time workers during operation.

EverPower will pay about $1.7 million per year to local schools and municipalities in Hardin County, according to a statement.