Lima to offer rebates for tree planting

LIMA — A new program aims to make it easier for Lima residents to plant trees on their property.

The City of Lima Tree Rebate program will give a 50 percent rebate to city residents for purchasing select varieties of trees and planting them on their property. This program is being conducted as part of the city’s Arbor Day Foundation Tree City USA initiative with the city’s Parks and Recreation Department working with the Allen Soil and Water Conservation District. Ten tree species were approved for this year’s program: American Princeton Elm, Bur Oak, Eastern Redbud, the male varieties of Ginkgo, Kentucky Coffee, London Plane, Thornless Honeylocust, Silver Linden, Swamp White Oak and Tulip trees.

“We thought a controlled list was the best way to go about it,” Allen Soil and Water Conservation District Public Information Coordinator Jane Higbie said. “It’s to try to diversify so we don’t have problems down the road. What would happen if we all had the same tree and something came along and they died?”

The program will run from May 1 to Nov. 30, with $15,000 in reimbursement money available from the city’s stormwater department.

“If you plant a tree in your yard, it will help with stormwater runoff,” Higbie said. “The more trees we plant, the more stormwater we capture. But there are other goals, like producing oxygen, increasing property values, and providing shade to your home.”

Only two trees will be permitted per property, with funds distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Trees must have a 1.5 to three-inch thickness.

“What people can do is contact me if they’re interested,” Higbie said. “One of two inspectors will come out to your house and discuss what tree you want and where you want it. Once you have that done and purchase your tree, you will send me your rebate form and another set of inspectors will come out to inspect that the tree is planted where you said it would be and provide more homeowner education about them.”

To participate, contact Higbie at 419-223-0040, ext. 110.

By Craig Kelly

[email protected]

Reach Craig Kelly at 567-242-0390 or on Twitter @Lima_CKelly.