Light therapy can help with seasonal affective disorder

Adding the cold, dark days of winter on top of holiday stress can do a number on a person’s mental health. It could lead to seasonal affective disorder ― a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons.

For those looking to flip the switch on feeling down during the winter months, Dr. Craig Sawchuk, a Mayo Clinic psychologist, suggests giving light therapy a try.

“Light therapy is one of our effective treatments that is actually really easily tolerated,” says Dr. Sawchuk. “Rarely do people have side effects with it. And it’s a pretty portable type of intervention.”

Light therapy is thought to affect brain chemicals linked to mood and sleep, easing symptoms of seasonal affective disorder.

Dr. Sawchuk recommends using a 10,000-lux light box or lamp within the first hour of waking up for about 20 minutes.

He encourages people to continue using light therapy into the spring or whenever their mood starts to naturally improve.