Millie Hughes: More details needed about Birch rejection

The Ohio Power Siting Board ruled that it wasn’t in the best interest of the public to approve the Birch Solar Project. I’m learning from various sources, including a recent article in The Lima News, that this project not only would have created clean energy, which is in the best interest of everyone, but would have generated in the neighborhood of $100 million in revenue for governments to provide services and schools to educate our children. I am a member of this public, so how can that not be in my best interest?

I live in Shawnee Township, which has an excellent school system. I believe it is in the best interest of the students and property owners to keep it that way. Yet we have aging buildings and increasing costs like everyone else. The revenue from the Birch Project designated for Shawnee schools would help us keep Shawnee schools excellent, and matching funds locally might even leverage some funds from the building commission for new buildings.

Schools and safety services are both dependent upon taxes. I saw my property taxes increase substantially this year. I read the fervor of concern on social media when the tax bills went out, so I know my neighbors felt the bite also. Now with high inflation, residents are struggling to feed their families, making it harder to pass levies for schools or safety services.

As a homeowner, I’m concerned for property values in Shawnee, but mostly I’m concerned for the safety and education of our children. They are our future and without a good education, they have no future!

According to the OPSB opinion Birch, met seven of the eight criteria for approval. I understand they agreed to compensate property owners near the project to deflect possible loss of property value, make the site more aesthetically pleasing with ornamental fencing and grazing sheep to keep the vegetation under control. When I was in Ireland, sheep grazing along the roadside was a great photo op!

Per OPSB, the project was denied: “Based on the unanimous and consistent opposition to the Project by the government entities whose constituents are impacted by the Project, the Board finds that the Project fails to serve the public interest, convenience and necessity as required by R.C. 4906.10(A)(6).”

During this past year, I have personally spoken to several of our local elected officials and was told they do not “oppose” the project, but since they did not publicly support it, the OPSB evidently misinterpreted that to mean they opposed it and used that as a reason to deny the project.

Birch will surely appeal the project. If this is a bad project, we should know how and why it is bad, so we as a community can stand together to oppose it. If it is a good project and will benefit the community, we should stand as a community to support the appeal and bring the project to Allen County.

Can we form a public/private task force to investigate and make recommendations? Today we have a refinery producing gasoline, providing jobs and revenue for the county because former Mayor David Berger put together a task force to sell a facility about to close. Can we do it again?

Millie Hughes is a Shawnee Township resident. Her column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Lima News editorial board or AIM Media, owner of The Lima News.