Michael Blass: An open letter to congressional Republicans

We are just a few weeks away from the 2022 mid-terms and what will likely be a “Red Wave” election. It is anticipated that you and your colleagues will see this as a mandate from the voters to right the ship that the Democrats have seemed so intent on scuttling. There are a few things you should understand, from the perspective of an ordinary middle-class guy from fly-over country.

First, know this: the “Red Wave” is less a mandate and more a simple and predictable outcome of the recognition that the Republican party is a slightly better alternative than the Dems at this point in time. If the American voter was magically given the choice to, in one single election, remove all 535 of you and replace you with real, principle-centered leaders, they would gladly do it. Yes, we’d sacrifice the handful of decent leaders that may exist within the hallowed halls of Congress — but it would be worth it.

An ever-increasing number of voters (and non-voters) are recognizing that neither political party in Washington, D.C., has our best interests at heart. A number of us ordinary folk, of all stripes, realize that the politicians’ first priority and highest commitment is to remain in power. As a group, especially as evidenced in the U.S. Congress, you are no longer servants of the people. You are an elitist group of power-hungry and greedy politicians with limited real-world skills that seemingly never translate into meaningful outcomes for those you are supposed to be serving.

Polling indicates that your approval rating by the American public is somewhere in the 20-25% range, and 47% of Americans have “very little confidence in Congress.” For those of you who are about to be elected to Congress for the first time, you may sincerely believe you will be different than those you are replacing. Time will tell. History tends to inform us that this will not be the case unless you consciously and deliberately resist the trappings of money and power in the halls of government.

Our expectations are low.

Based upon comments of some Republican members of Congress, it is anticipated that one of your highest priorities is to impeach President Joe Biden. Think long and hard before you waste a lot of time on this one. While he certainly isn’t leadership material, has long-standing ethics and credibility issues and isn’t all that bright, impeaching him will likely just set us up for presidential impeachments becoming an ordinary way of life in Washington politics. Nothing will really be accomplished, and even if you successfully remove him from office, the current vice president is actually just as bad, if not worse, than Biden.

Flyover country folks — at least the ones paying attention — already know that nothing of substance will come from any of the leftist illegalities. Hillary got away with the national security breach; Hunter will get off either without charges or with a slap on the wrist. President Biden and his brother will not be investigated, let alone prosecuted. The current Jan. 6th hearings, the Russian collusion hoax investigation — it’s all Kabuki Theatre. We see a two-tier justice system functioning like a well-oiled machine.

Don’t waste time and money trying to perpetuate the hoax that you are going to make things right. What’s needed is massive, systemic reform. You don’t have the bona-fides or the will to pull it off.

The only way you can re-establish some semblance of credibility with the American people is to conduct business differently. Less talk and more walk. Articulate a vision and establish a set of guiding principles that the American people can rally around; more importantly, role model those principles by actively seeking to build relationships while solving real problems.

Restore free market capitalism and lower government regulation. Reduce government spending. Focus on kitchen-table issues that matter to us and affect our quality of life. Actually propose solutions to the myriad of problems this country is facing. It’s a target-rich environment.

It’s not rocket science. You can do this. But will you? Not likely.

Instead, you will continue on the same path: Create enough drama and consternation in politics to keep the country divided and distracted. That, along with lower economic prosperity, is the best way to control the population and assure you remain in power. All while you keep your hand out and your pockets open for the special interest groups to support you.

For now, you will continue to get away with this. It works for both political parties. One day, however, if we are to be saved, it will be because a critical mass of ordinary people finally awakened to what has been happening to them for decades.

You should fear that day.

Mike Blass lives in Russells Point. His column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Lima News editorial board or AIM Media, owner of The Lima News.