Jerome O’Neal: Gratitude for Martin’s commitment

Several years ago, I can remember awkward moments standing in the presence of this older gentleman at my nursing home.

I knew who he was, and the history that he carried on his shoulders made me nervous being around him. His sister was a patient in the nursing home, and he had long retired. After a brief time, I got up the courage to start talking to him.

This gentleman was former Lima Police Chief William Davenport, and we would fill several minutes talking history of Lima and leadership. During one talk he pulled me aside and said, “I am stepping down from the United Way board, and I want you to take my spot on the board.” I was young and nervous but understood I could not say no. With the help of the former United Way Director Bev Prueter, I became a board member, then the board president, then capital campaign chair.

Fast forward several years later, and I got the chance to be selected for the first Allen/Lima Leadership class. Young and nervous, the first event for the class was a sleep-over at a local hotel, and my selected roommate was then-Police Chief Greg Garlock. I was incredibly nervous walking into the room, but Chief Garlock was so respectful too, and you could tell it was genuine and sincere. We spent the night talking and became friends. He was a man of strength and compassion.

Over the past years, I have had the pleasure of meeting recently retired Police Chief Kevin Martin. Many of the interactions we had were discussing tough issues, from body cameras to demonstrations. But it was evident Chief Martin was sincere in wanting to do what was best for the residents of Lima and that he was comfortable with true inclusion.

Chief Martin attended the Community Enrichment Dinner and introduced the keynote speaker. His support for the William Davenport scholarship to attract more minorities to the Lima Police Department was integral to the program’s success.

I, like so many others, applaud former Chief Martin’s leadership over the years, commitment to better relations and inclusive understanding. As our community continues to work toward the courage for better relations and fair and honest inclusion with equity, we can look to several former police chiefs for guidance.

Thank you, Chief Martin, for your leadership.