MCT Noindex

Students lay peoplewithout families to rest


Beneath a gray sky at Mount Olivet Cemetery in Raytown, Missouri, Father Gary Menard gathered a group of high school students around him and told them that everyone dies twice.

Gary Franks: America is in an unconventional war


Wars come in many forms.

‘Do the Write Thing:’ Middle schoolers write about violence in their communities


CHICAGO — Jaylen Trice, 14, is a lyricist. He likes to put his thoughts and feelings on paper.

Skate Bud nonprofit empowers youth through skateboarding


ORLANDO, Fla. — In skateboarding’s nearly 80-year history, skaters have turned to the culture and art form as a way to fit in and bond over a shared passion.

He says he’s an Irish orphan; police, victim say he’s a Dayton sex offender...


DAYTON — The man at the center of a highly publicized international saga whose face has been splashed all over the news in the U.K. claims he is an Irish orphan named Arthur Knight who has never been to America.

S.E. Cupp: Why are Dems following GOP abortion extremism?


Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, as the old saying goes.

Robert B. Reich: We must stop Trump fascism – the danger is now


Last Wednesday evening marked the unofficial start of Donald Trump’s campaign to be reelected president of the United States.

Cal Thomas: Trump and the old razzle dazzle


“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.” – George Carlin

S.E. Cupp: Team Trump’s axis with Hitler’s American friends


It’s hard to imagine now, but Adolf Hitler — the world’s most reviled dictator, responsible for the genocide of six million Jews — had plenty of American friends.

Robert B. Reich: Why a new progressive era in America is likely — in...


A new progressive era is dawning in America, and almost nothing Republicans can do will hold back the tide — unless Republicans destroy democracy altogether (more on this in a moment).