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S.E. Cupp: Listen to Donald Trump ignoring the rule of law


A new and damning audio recording, aired first on CNN, is shocking to say the least. In it, former President Donald Trump is being interviewed by a writer for a memoir of Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff.

Cal Thomas: Whom to believe?


It is an unfortunate truism of politics that partisans tend to believe the worst about members of the opposite party and no amount of facts — if, indeed, facts can be agreed upon — move people from their entrenched positions. Largely, I think, it’s all about gaining or keeping power and not actually discovering the truth or solving problems.

Robert B. Reich: Putin, Trump, and the privatization of tyranny


I’m no Russia expert, but I do know something about tyrants (I’ll get to Trump in a moment), and I doubt Yevgeny Prigozhin has mounted a fatal challenge to Vladimir Putin’s authority.

Cities with the fastest growing home prices in Lima metro area

Konstantin L // Shutterstock It goes without saying that the coronavirus pandemic sparked a wave of uncertainty...

Locked into low interest rates or locked out of the housing market?


LAS VEGAS — When Maggie moved to Las Vegas from Michigan with her family and bought a house in December of 2020, interest rates were incredibly low.

Gary Franks: We need new political choices


I remember when Satchel Paige was pitching for the Kansas City Athletics in 1965. He was at least 20 years beyond his prime, much like President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are today in politics.

Cal Thomas: China’s economy and America’s opportunity


Many have tried not buying items made in China, but it is a near impossibility. Everything from prescription drugs to you name it seems to originate in a country whose regime is proving to be America’s greatest adversary and growing enemy.

Robert B. Reich: Trump’s plan to turn the Justice Department into his personal vendetta...


Last week, Trump said that if reelected, he’d appoint a “real special prosecutor” to “go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family.”

Cal Thomas: What’s inappropriate?


White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently used a word that seems to have disappeared from our anything goes culture.