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Karen Dolan: 2022 was hard, but good public policy made it a success story


There’s no question that 2022 was challenging. A stubborn pandemic, Russia’s devastating war in Ukraine and the resulting inflation have all squeezed American families.

Cal Thomas: An old debt carries over to a new year


“Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt.” – Herbert Hoover

Lisa Jarvis: Science Twitter needs a new home


I will miss science Twitter.

Holy Cow! History: Two Civil War soldiers, one American classic


The Yankee cavalryman had no idea what lay in store when he raised his sword that Easter Sunday afternoon. How could he? All he knew was he had a job to do.

Bill Press: Yes, I’m woke – and proud of it!


Growing up in the small town of Delaware City, Delaware, one of the first lessons I learned, playing in the dirt street in front of our house, was: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

David Trinko: The Christmas spirit’s lasting lessons


This week’s storm put some snow on the ground for a white Christmas. The heavy winds made travel harder, keeping families together as we reached Dec. 25.

Mary Sanchez: How the language is shifting on abortion


“A person’s a person, no matter how small.”

Eric Heavner: Can commerce and Christmas get along?


Critics on their social media soapboxes have spent the past month loudly proclaiming that Christmas is too commercial. The nub of their complaint is that the true meaning of Christmas is lost amid the buying frenzy that marks the holiday. They claim the essence of Christmas lies not in gifts, decorations and festive eating and drinking, but in non-material things, such as celebrating the birth of Christ, reconnecting with family and friends or spreading peace and “goodwill” toward others.

Michael Reagan: Ukraine is America’s latest stalemate war


We don’t fight our wars to win anymore. We fight them to get to a stalemate.

Lori Borgman: The wonder of Christmas stories


My mother used to say she dreaded the day she returned to school after Christmas vacation. The standing assignment in that small country school was to write about their holiday and the gifts they received.