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Dr. Jessica Johnson: Teen girls’ mental health crisis


As Mental Health Awareness Month is nearing its end, I reflected on how the mental health crisis among teenage girls is receiving more attention from researchers.

Legal-Ease: Be careful to avoid paying parents’ nursing home bill


Nursing homes and other long-term care providers are a crucial part of our society. Their solvency and continued existence is necessary in our lives where, unlike our ancestors, senior family members typically no longer “move in” with their adult children when the senior members who need care for day-to-day living are unable to independently care for themselves.

Steve Stivers: Computer science education must start early to develop workforce of the future


We all want Ohio to be the best it can be. To make our state the most enjoyable place in which to live, we must first focus on its economy and, as a result, its workforce.

David McClough: Credit rating groups should downgrade U.S.


Due to the failure of the House Speaker and the President to negotiate a debt ceiling increase that would allow the government to pay its bills, in particular principal and interest on the nearly $31.5 trillion debt, the credit rating agency Fitch placed the United States credit on negative watch.

Gary Franks: America is in an unconventional war


Wars come in many forms.

Holy Cow! History: Ready, set, surrender! History’s shortest war


Wars can drag on forever. History tells of the Hundred Years’ War, the Eighty Years’ War and the Thirty Years’ War. The 2001-2014 Afghanistan War is considered America’s longest conflict.

Michael Graham: N.H. rep says quiet part out loud


“Shut up,” he said.

Sherrod Brown: Launching 2023 summer manufacturing camps


Every summer for 11 years, my office has partnered with local companies and organizations across Ohio to host summer manufacturing camps for 4th through 8th graders. This summer, we will host at least 36 camps across 26 counties.

Bjorn Lomborg: Vaccines, a stunning success with room for improvement


Vaccination is one of the true wonders of humanity, having saved more lives than any other medical invention and providing population-level control of diseases that once ran rampant. Yet, we often fail to appreciate how fundamentally they have changed human life for the better.

Jonathan Bydlak: Raise the debt ceiling, but cut spending, too


What will happen with the debt ceiling is the most significant political story of the last few months. President Biden demands that Republicans acquiesce to a “clean” debt limit increase. At the same time, Republicans seek lower spending to address the worsening national debt.