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Tom Purcell: Will’s wit soothes a taxing time


Tax returns are due Tuesday, and many Americans are surely stressed out as they scramble to get their financial records in order.

Lori Borgman: Fretting over waistbands is a stretch


The verdict is still out on whether this is good news or bad news, but many of the pants for women this season have wide elastic waistbands.

David Trinko: Nearly done sharing those COVID stats


The national emergency is nearly over. So, too, will be our weekly updates about it.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Troubling politics in Tennessee


“And I know that rules sometimes have to be broken, and sometimes you have to get in good trouble.” — Tennessee Rep. Gloria Johnson

John Grindrod: Drawing a line from art to reality


The play “Inherit the Wind”, in my opinion, is a true dramatic masterpiece. It’s the fictionalized account of the famous Scopes Monkey Trials that took place in Dayton, Tennessee. In 1925, a teacher named John T. Scopes was tried for violating the Butler Act, which prohibited the teaching of any theory of evolution in Tennessee public schools that wasn’t consistent with the Bible’s version of how we as humans came to be. The high school science teacher did nothing more than introduce his students to Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.

Legal-Ease: Hourly, salary or independent contractor?


Some people are paid by the hour, day or week. Other people are paid by the “job”.

Michael Reagan: Save the planet from a President Newsom


My governor Gavin Newsom has finally found an excuse to get out of the state he’s been tyrannizing for the last three years.

Ron Lora: Looking ahead to Arbor Day


“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Warren Buffet’s words identify the focus of this column: Arbor Day, when we honor the importance of trees on planet Earth – and in our neighborhood. The official day falls on the last Friday of April, the 28th this year, though some states use a different day that’s better for their planting seasons.

Don Stratton: Maybe ‘viewed’ is becoming the better option


Once I reached an age sufficient to be called a certified geezer, I started giving a standard reply to one certain comment. When someone says, “Good to see you,” I usually reply, “Better to be seen than viewed.”

Jerry Zezima: Eat, drink and be married


Love means never having to say you’re sorry for taking your wife to a diner for your 45th wedding anniversary.