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Holy Cow! History: Pink Parker’s bizarre monument to John Wilkes Booth


One day in June 1921, the editor of the Herald newspaper in Troy, Alabama, finally had enough. A clipping from the previous Sunday’s Brooklyn Daily Eagle lay on his desk. “An Assassin’s Monument,” the headline said. It had been reprinted in papers nationally.

Lori Borgman: Words you can never take back


Standby snack foods have been reinventing themselves as “minis” in hopes of appealing to a new generation of consumers. Hostess downsized Ding Dongs, Doritos ran all the chips through the dryer and Trix dehydrated every last cereal ball.

David Trinko: Teaching your own child to be a leader


It’s one thing to say you’re a leader. It’s another to prove it.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Franciscan students put down smartphones


If you proposed a challenge to Gen Z college students to discard their smartphones while they are pursuing their degrees, how many do you think would take you up on it? Well, some students at Steubenville, Ohio’s Franciscan University, a Catholic institution, are doing just that. They have made a significant choice to focus on their faith in God, prayer and their in-person relationships with their peers.

John Grindrod: Dan Dougherty, the interview that still resonates


Among those I’ve interviewed over the years, there’s one in particular that continues to resonate with me. His name was, or I surely hope so still is, Dan Doughtery. And I interviewed him in 2018 when the Fairfield, California, retired insurance man was 93 years old.

Legal-Ease: Can we agree otherwise?


The law includes a lot of requirements — usually legally called “duties” — regarding all kinds of things. Often, those duties are requirements that the law makes some people provide to or for the benefit of other people.

Gary Franks: Biden holds 4 aces in 2024 election – We need a constitutional...


Political power is in the hands of the people. Our democracy responds to the cries of the people. And the people would like to prevent America from having five and a half more years of octogenarian governance, whether it’s President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump again.

S.E. Cupp: Little hope that Fox after Carlson will change


“Will a network that has decided to recklessly traffic in and promote lies, junk science and unfounded conspiracy theories, and purposefully omit and distort the truth to keep its viewers rabidly tuned in, feel at all chastened by what can only be described as an unequivocal and unprecedented smackdown?”

Don Stratton: Congress and assault weapons: It’s the look that matters


The U.S. Congress has for months been working on passing a new bill to ban assault weapons. A group of Democrats, now supported by nearly enough RINO Republicans to get the bill passed, claim that the bill is the answer to the problem of mass shootings in this country.