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Don Stratton: Some thoughts on the Trump assassination attempt


As a private citizen, my first thoughts after seeing the video of the recent attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump involved mostly anger and revulsion. However, as a retired police command officer with experience in preparing security preparations for presidential appearances, my questions, after a few minutes of analyzing the situation, became primarily about how the Secret Service could let such a thing happen.

Mark Figley: ‘Newcomer’ plan doesn’t make sense


In the world of stupendous ideas, chalk up another one for Michigan. It seems the state is introducing a program offering its citizens $500 a month to take in what were formerly known as illegal aliens. Joe Biden’s Democrats just keep doubling down when it comes to rewarding illegal border crossers as an election grows closer.

Legal-Ease: Can the state just take my property from me?


There are a lot of roads and bridges in our area under construction. Some are under construction due to being worn down from everyday wear and tear. Others are under construction to remedy safety hazards such as dangerous intersections.

David Trinko: Regrets of replying to a wrong number


I know Shirley didn’t pass along my cell phone number to give you an update on that dress for your dinner party. I don’t think I know anyone named Shirley.

Charles Thomas: Trust those who knew Trump best


Imagine, if you will, going to see a physician that is not known to you. While you wait your turn in the lobby, the physician’s assistant walks out and speaks with you, telling you that the doctor you wish to see is not qualified and, in fact, poses a danger to your welfare.

Phil Hugo: What’s in the closet?


It’s early June, and late spring is casting flirtatious glances at the not-too-distant early summer. Bird song makes its way through an open bedroom window, and I admire multi-colored blossoms in the garden below. With blue skies overhead, it looks to be a good day to get after my part of the world.

Holy Cow! History: The forgotten historic July day


In America’s vocabulary the phrase “Fourth of July” is synonymous with “star-spangled party.” It’s been that way from the very beginning.

John Grindrod: Inconsideration and lame excuses on full display


The large man with the mud-caked work boots sat just a few feet away from me in a McDonald’s in Rio Grande in the far southeastern region of the Heart of It All. Seated with him was a teenage boy and, based on the hand-holding that I spied, the boy’s girlfriend made it a threesome. The man said to the boy, “Listen, you’re 18. Let me tell you what your grandpa told me when I was your age about what needs to be done before applying for a job.”

Lori Borgman: Rain, rain, stay today


Nothing smells quite as wonderful as the outdoors after it’s been through the gentle rinse cycle. Rain is such a pleasant fragrance that makers of perfumes, body oils, lotions and even household cleaners all try to replicate it. But nobody can. Not fully.

Jerry Zezima: Stressed for success


When it comes to stress, I put others to the test. That’s why my cardiologist ordered a stress test for me.