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Christine Flowers: The shameful pardon of man who was ugly face of law enforcement

I spent some hours this week trying to prevent a deportation. I wasn’t successful. It happens, the law must be followed and sometimes the...

George Will: Trump, the novice protectionist

WASHINGTON — Sooner or later, and the later the better, the president’s wandering attention will flit, however briefly, to the subject of trade. So,...

Kathleen Parker: Give Robert Lee a raise

WASHINGTON — You know we’ve reached a point of — something — when a sports announcer named Robert Lee is reassigned from calling a...

Judging Afghanistan by the numbers

oes the president’s announced policy on Afghanistan make sense? To decide, let’s look at how a national security professional would deconstruct Trump’s Aug. 21...

Kathleen Parker: Eclipse a rare shared moment

LINVILLE, N.C. — During the past two weeks, I’ve been conducting an experiment.I took a vacation.A real one, meaning I did nothing. Intentionally, I...

Cal Thomas: Historical hysteria

“The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.” — Friedrich HegelWe will learn even less from history if...

George Will: Laws that subvert the rule of law

WASHINGTON — When John Adams wrote into Massachusetts’ Constitution a commitment to a “government of laws and not of men,” he probably assumed that...

Doyle McManus: Is there anyone left willing to defend the president?

When a van plowed into pedestrians in Barcelona last week, President Trump didn’t wait for investigators to determine who the attackers were. Within minutes...

Gleb Tsipursky: Protesters from both sides behaved badly in Charlottesville

“I think there is blame on both sides, and I have no doubt about it,” President Donald Trump said about the violence at the...

Mary Clare Amselem: Soaring student debt costs us all

Parents across the United States tell their children that if they graduate from high school, go to college and get a job, they can...