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Andres Oppenheimer: Mass shooting coincides with a rise in racism, homophobia and anti-Semitism

Amid the national debate over gun control in the aftermath of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that left 17 people dead, there’s...

Deroy Murdock: Slam the brakes on proposed gas-tax hike

NEW YORK — Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Republicans are on a roll. So, why is President Donald Trump praising a...

Kathleen Parker: Bring me your fire and brimstone

WASHINGTON — Oh, for God’s sake. What else can one say about the week after Florida’s high school massacre? Funerals for the 17 students...

George Will: Supreme Court to tackle union dues

WASHINGTON — Overturning mistaken decisions is an occasional duty of the Supreme Court, whose noblest achievement was the protracted, piecemeal repudiation, with Brown v....

Michael Reagan: Too many kids today are growing up not knowing they are loved

We live in a country where liberals are constantly working to get rid of things that were once sacred to America.They’ve taken God out...

Todd Sutton: GLR aligns community, economic, work force goals

The Greater Lima Region, Inc. is creating a strategic framework to align key community, economic and workforce development goals, including a unified marketing and...

Kathleen Parker: Seeking gun sanity after Parkland

WASHINGTON — As pressures mount for Congress to “just do something” about mass shootings, Americans would do well to seek solutions closer to home.City...

Commentary: What liberals miss about the Second Amendment

When it comes to guns, it often appears as though liberals and conservatives are speaking different languages. Liberals express their horror at each new...

George Will: Billy Graham: Neither prophet nor theologian

WASHINGTON — Asked in 1972 if he believed in miracles, Billy Graham answered: Yes, Jesus performed some and there are many “miracles around us...

Dan K. Thomasson: Can Kelly (or next Chief of Staff) keep up with Trump?

WASHIINGTON — The most important position in the nation that exists outside the Oval Office is the Chief of Staff of the White House....