Latta touts PPP in Ottawa

OTTAWA — U.S. Rep. Bob Latta, R-Ohio, was in Ottawa on Wednesday morning to tout the success of the federal Payroll Protection Program in retaining jobs throughout his 5th Congressional District.

He used the occasion to take a swipe at House Democrats in general, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi in particular, for allegedly holding some $130 billion of appropriated PPP funds hostage through their refusal to extend until Dec. 31 the deadline for expending those funds.

He also brushed aside the prospect of another economic slowdown amid rising COVID-19 numbers, relying instead on a familiar GOP mantra that a vaccine to end the virus is just around the corner.

Latta came to Ottawa to meet informally with Jeff Harris, manager and part-owner of Henry’s restaurant. The business received PPP funds through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act that Harris said “saved us, or we might not have been able to stay open.”

The restaurant employs approximately 60 workers. Harris’ father, John, is the principal owner.

The Paycheck Protection Program makes available low-interest loans to small businesses to pay employees and cover costs during the pandemic. For up to 24 weeks, the program can be used to cover the entire cost of payroll and other eligible expenses. All payments are deferred for six months. The loan is due in two years but can be paid earlier without penalties or fees.

Latta said 6,000 small businesses in his district took advantage of the program, saving 123,000 jobs in the process. The congressman said more businesses could use assistance from the federal government if access was granted to $137 billion that has already been appropriated for the program. Latta said the Aug. 8 deadline for the expenditure of PPP loan money has come and gone, and Democrats have refused to extend that deadline.

“That is why I signed onto a discharge petition that will force a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives to extend the PPP program,” Latta said. “The reality is, there is bipartisan support to extend the program and make it available to businesses that need it. I signed the discharge petition … and I implore my colleagues to do the same. If the discharge petition reaches 218 signatures, Speaker Pelosi will be forced to put the bill on the House Floor where it is expected to pass.”

Latta conceded that another round of CARES Act funding for individual taxpayers is not on the horizon at the present time. He insisted, however, that the U.S. economy has “gained ground” and employment in his district is on the rise.

Asked about the prospect of a setback to the U.S. economy as the number COVID-19 cases continue to surge, Latta insisted that a vaccine could be widely available “right after Thanksgiving.”

“We need to be sure we get this vaccine and get this (pandemic) under control,” said the GOP lawmaker.

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U.S. Rep. Bob Latta, R-Bowling Green, visited Henry’s restaurant in Ottawa on Wednesday to talk about the federal Payroll Protection Program and the positive effect it has had on small businesses such as Henry’s. Rep. Bob Latta, R-Bowling Green, visited Henry’s restaurant in Ottawa on Wednesday to talk about the federal Payroll Protection Program and the positive effect it has had on small businesses such as Henry’s. J Swygart | The Lima News
Rep says virus vaccine just around the corner

By J Swygart

[email protected]


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