The horrors of Common Core

First Posted: 2/24/2015

Facts about the massive Common Core fraud:

Common Core is illegal under the U.S. Constitution, so the federal government bribed schools with federal money to accept it.

Common Core was developed by “for profit trade organizations” and not expert educators. Bill Gates put up the seed money to fund Common Core. He stands to make billions because schools are required to use technology for testing.

Common Core was never tested before implementation.

The only two educators on the Common Core validation committee did not sign off on it because they considered the English and Math standards to be poor.

Common Core hinders individualism and success due to its “one size fits all approach.”

Common Core is an invasion of student and family privacy laws using data mining.

Special-education students will now only have the test directions read or signed to them but not the questions.

Tests take up to 12 percent of the school year and questions are not written at appropriate grade level. Schools are having to cut recess, physical education, music, art, plays, and trips to prepare for testing.

Politicians have dug in their heels on pushing Common Core on the public even though most do not have education degrees nor are they experts in the field of education.

Common Core teaches students what to think and not “how to think.”

Please see http://OhioansAgainstCommonCore for information on opting out of the tests, even at this late date, and learn about legislation such as the Safe Harbor Bill. The school will not be hurt if you opt out, but your child is sure to be harmed by Common Core.