Cutest pet contest begins today

First Posted: 1/27/2015

Your pet is the cutest pet out there. That goes without saying.

Think your little critter has what it takes to make it big?

Enter your dog, cat, cow, ferret or rabbit in The Lima News/ Cutest Pet Contest, and you can find out.

The contest opens today and continues through Feb. 28, with entries being accepted through Feb. 14. Voting begins Feb. 15, and winners will be announced the week of March 8.

It’s a great chance to show off those furry friends. What’s more, entering is a breeze; it’s free, it’s fun and it’ll give your pets more than their 60 seconds of fame, with their cute little faces being viewed by the thousands of people who visit our website every day.

The contest allows website visitors and all our wonderful readers to show off their pets and maybe, just maybe, earn them the title of our cutest pet.

There’s even prizes and, what’s just as good, entering is completely free.

All you have to do is visit our website — — click on the Cutest Pet Contest and follow the instructions.

So get out your camera and snap away, then upload those photos to our website, view all the competition and check back to see how the contest is going. Be sure to use your social media outlets, like Facebook and Twitter, to draw interest — and votes — to your pet.

Voting begins Feb. 15 and runs until Feb. 28, with the winners being announced online and in our print edition the week of March 8.

The sponsor for our latest online contest is Busy B Realty, who is making this fun contest available to our readers and online visitors.

“Our pets are the first ones to greet us when we get home, the ones that cuddle with us and don’t ask any questions, the ones that wait patiently at our feet with tails wagging. Isn’t it about time we thank them for their devoted attention and love? I know all of my many furry friends mean the world to me. So join Busy B Realty in thanking them by entering today,” said Dawn Arheit, broker/owner of Busy B Realty.

So join the fun. Visit our website and enter your pet today. Your pet may be just a few clicks away from being a winner.