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A classic book that comes with a ‘guarantee’


Sometimes, the right book is just waiting for you to find it.

Mayo Clinic Q & A: What to expect during a blood draw


DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’ve never had my blood drawn before, but I have to go in for testing soon. Honestly, I’m pretty nervous about it. What can I expect?

Chicago’s Bug Girl: Janelle Iaccino wants to enlighten the city on the greatness of...


When you think of the acronym STEM, you likely know it stands for science, technology, engineering and math. But does it make you think about bugs, rodentia and taxidermy? Janelle Iaccino thinks it should.

Guatemala becoming tourism hot spot for young travelers


Adventurous travelers seeking beauty and budget thrills should look no further than Guatemala, a friendly country that remains largely unexplored by many Americans, but can be reached in as little as six hours from many cities in the U.S.

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Managing migraines: What’s right for me?


DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’ve dealt with migraine attacks for years. So has my mom. I typically manage by using over-the-counter pain medication that includes caffeine as soon as my symptoms begin. Then, if my migraine doesn’t improve, I use a prescription triptan medication. But my headache days have been increasing, and my doctor suggested I try a newer preventive migraine medication. Can you please explain more about medication options?

Dawn Kessinger: Share a meal — What makes food memorable?


What makes a particular kind of food or meal more memorable than another kind?

Taylor to make Lima debut at Outskirts


LIMA — Andi Jo Taylor is making her solo Lima debut this weekend.

Reminisce: UFOs seen over Ottawa in 1958


As a volunteer with the Cold War-era Ground Observer Corps (GOC), Maynard Macke was trained to identify anything that passed overhead. Macke could not identify what he saw in the sky over Putnam County on a spring evening 66 years ago.

Featured events


Unity in the Community

Civic Center to host ‘Book of Mormon’


LIMA — Trevor Dorner is set to return to his home neck of the woods for a performance about traveling all over the world.