Letter: Don’t elect a sexual offender as president

I have never shied away from the advocacy work I have done personally as a sexual assault victim. I stand firm on the grounds that we still have a long way to go before we achieve a justice system that reflects one with the purpose of ensuring that all victims of these crimes do not fall between the cracks.

E. Jean Carroll showed that when a jury found Donald Trump to be an adjudicated rapist earlier this year. She showed that no matter 10 days ago or 20 years ago, never stop fighting for the justice you so deserve.

Think of the message the Republican Party sent thousands of sex crimes victims. Their abuser is welcomed to run for the highest office in the land and have potential to block critical legislation that would bring the changes necessary to current law. Think of the message you personally send when you proudly proclaim your vote for a man who openly brags about sexual harassment.

Victims like myself are watching in horror as family and friends come out in favor of a candidate who is not that much different from their attackers: Driven by power, manipulative and attacking the victim’s truth.

Think of how many people are sitting still, wanting to open up about their experiences. They are watching their family call these victims liars. All this is doing is making it impossible for victims to be believed and to step forward and seek the justice they deserve.

Think of the victims in your life. Think of the kind of fear that would come from them if they found out their attacker was on the precipice of holding an office that could single-handedly erase the protections they rely on? Think of the kind of damage that could be done with a sexual predator pardoning their abuser? These laxing of steps and protections would not only open the door for recividism but also could endanger the lives of those who have had peace. These monsters will get out and have one thing on their mind; retribution for those who dared speak out and put them behind bars.

We need to show victims of heinous crimes across this country that we will deny any individual like this an elected office. We need to focus on electing candidates focusing on strengthening our current laws, lifting the statute of limitations on sex crimes, and work to ensure that we enact tougher sentences. We need to focus on uplifting our communities and show them that we have their back.

We need to vote by morals, not party.

Dylan Gross



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