Mark Figley: 20 questions to ponder during 2023

In a world increasingly on fire, there is never a shortage of information about anything and everything. This generates a significant amount of curiosity and can lead us to compile a substantial number of questions that are pondered, yet frequently unanswered. The following 20 questions are among those I hope to have explained in 2023.

When did it become OK to entertain our kids with drag shows? And if a minor must meet an age requirement/secure parental consent to vote, drive a car, purchase alcohol or receive a tattoo, how can they properly consent to medically alter their gender?

If our border is secure, why do record numbers of people continue to pour across it? And why is the border between Ukraine and Russia more vital to defend than the U.S.’s southern border?

Why does Vice President Kamala Harris find everything so incessantly funny?

In regard to President Joe Biden, can he go even one day without a verbal gaffe or an ice cream cone? And if son Hunter Biden had no experience in conducting business deals, just how was he so successful in making millions of dollars abroad from such endeavors?

Regarding the environment, why are we rushing towards full-scale production of electric vehicles when our current energy grid can’t function without rolling blackouts? Since more than 6,000 everyday products from medicine to mobile phones are derived from oil, how do we sustain our elevated standard of living if we eliminate it? And who could honestly prefer a plant-based substitute over a fat, juicy steak or a mighty hamburger? Just saying.

When it comes to COVID, why do an amazing number of drivers continue to wear face masks while alone in their cars? And does Dr. Fauci have any hobbies outside of displaying numerous portraits of himself and lecturing us on the virus?

Why did Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer disregard security warnings they received prior to the Jan. 6 election protest on Capitol Hill?

There’s also an endless number of additional random questions too.

If nothing was amiss with the 2020 presidential election, why has a bipartisan investigation never been undertaken to prove it once and for all?

Just who is still watching CNN and MSNBC?

Where are the “multiple” instances of white supremacists committing “hate” crimes?

What were all the laid-off Twitter employees actually doing before Elon Musk got rid of them?

What’s the real story behind the “suicide” of Jeffrey Epstein?

What is it the CIA doesn’t want us to know about its part in the assassination of JFK?

And if guns are so evil, why are politicians and celebrity security teams loaded for bear with them?

For good measure, let’s throw out one final question. Who ever thought they’d live to see the day when we’d be told that men could menstrate and get pregnant, but that a baby in the womb isn’t really a person?

These are all questions worth asking. And they’re just the tip of a very large iceberg.

Mark Figley is a political activist and guest columnist from Elida. His column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Lima News editorial board or AIM Media, owner of The Lima News.