First Posted: 1/6/2015
Eighteen months ago I signed a contract on behalf of the Lima City Schools Foundation with Alumni Research of Holiday, Florida, to gather current information on alumni of the Lima City School District.
The information was to be published in a book and made available for purchase. The contract was the fourth one we had signed with this company, which had published three previous directories without a hitch.
The books were presold to alumni with promises of publication in June 2014.
There were some delays in getting information for stories, etc., to the company, which may have delayed the book by a couple of months. I have fielded countless calls from alumni who have purchased directories, called, written and threatened to no avail.
I asked for the return of the two cases of yearbooks I sent to them and was told they were still working on the directory. That was in September.
I apologize to all who have been touched by this mess and ask that you be persistent in your demands for a refund and I will continue to work on our end. The foundation does not benefit financially from the contract. In exchange for them gathering information and selling books, we gain up-to-date information on our alumni for use with school events such as class reunions.
Again, my profound apologies.